Project Danube STREAM (
Smart, Integrated and Harmonized Waterway Management) is co-funded within the first call of the EU Danube Transnational Programme (
Interreg Danube Transnational Programme).
Implementation of the Danube STREAM project started on 01st January 2017 with duration of 33 months.
As an environmentally-friendly and safe transport mode, inland waterway transport (IWT) is an important enabler for economic growth and competitiveness in the Danube Region. Transnational harmonized smart traffic infrastructure information for an entire Danube transport corridor is an important prerequisite in order to be capable of satisfying user needs.
The objective of the project is to establish and maintain an efficient and environmentally friendly transportation network of the Danube and its navigable tributaries, by further developing effective waterway infrastructure management. In addition to consolidating common standards and tools, the project’s results and outputs include user oriented information services.
The main thematic areas within the project refer to harmonization of quality information about navigation and navigational conditions, coordinated management of waterways through waterway management tools and cooperation in the field of waterway measures implementation respecting the principle of environmental protection, as well as strategic cooperation. During the project lifetime, different pilot tests will be conducted, improving the infrastructure of waterways and their maintenance, relying on innovative technology.
Project Danube STREAM is the continuation of cooperation between Directorate for Inland Waterways and other waterway administrations initiated in 2009, through projects implemented within EU South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Program.
International Consortium that implements the project, beside Directorate for Inland Waterways, consists of via donau – Austrian Waterway Company, leading partner of the project (Austria), SVP – Slovak Water Management Company (Slovakia), OVF – General Directorate of Water Management (Hungary), RSOE – National Association of Radio Distress-Signalling and Infocommunications (Hungary), AVP – Agency for Inland Waterways (Croatia), AFDJ – River Administration of the lower Danube Galati (Romania), ACN – Administration for navigational channels and EAEMDR – Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River (Bulgaria).
Observer status in the project have the following international organizations and national institutions: Danube Commission, International Sava River Basin, BMVI – German Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, DANUBEPARKS – Danube River Network of Protected Areas.
Project's legend
Start date |
01.01.2017. |
End date |
30.09.2019. |
Overall budget |
2.108.661,42 € |
Call number |
Call 1 |
Priority |
Better connected and energy responsible Danube region |
Specific objective |
Support environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas
For detailed information on Plovput’s participation in project Danube STREAM please contact our coordinator:
M.Sc Ivan Mitrovic
+381 11 30 29 842
For more informations please visit:
Danube STREAM & Danube Sediment Radionica / Workshop 09.09.2019. |