Aleksandar Pantelic
Director+381 11 30 29 801
Miroslav Grncarski
Head of Department for Inland Waterways marking011 30 29 829
Ljubisa Mihajlovic
Head of Department for Fairway Information Services, RIS, Planning and Implementation of International Projects+381 11 30 29 805
Srdjan Djalovic
Head of the Section for Hydrographic survey+381 11 30 29 880
Head of International Project Management and River Information Services Division+381 11 30 29 842
Aleksandra Kafedzic
Head of the Section for vessels maintenance+381 11 30 29 831
Dragana Veselinovic
Head of the Section for Legal, Personnel and General Services+381 11 30 29 844
Milica Subotic
Head of the Financial Section+381 11 30 29 822
Dubravka Stojanovic M.Sc.
Head of the Group for Public Procurement
+381 11 30 29 840
Function’s description
Director of Directorate manages, organizes, integrates and direct the work of the Directorate, allocates managers of organizational units, cooperate with government authorities, coordinates the activities in the process of European integration in the field of waterways, cooperate with foreign and international organizations and associations in the field of waterways and navigation and perform and other functions from the Directorate scope.
Deputy Director of the Department for Inland Waterways organizes, plans and integrates activities in the sector, allocates the internal units and direct civil servants, gives instructions for work, provides technical assistance to civil servants, performing the most complex tasks within the scope of the sector managed by and other duties specified by the Director.
Deputy Director is responsible to the Director fort the sector and its work.
Head of Department, Head of Section and Head of Group organize, integrate and direct the work of the internal units and civil servants and employees, allocate activities and provide expert instructions for work, and perform the most complex tasks within the scope of the internal units.
They are responsible for their work and for the work of internal units which they manage, to the Deputy Director in whose sector is internal unit or director.
Civil servants and employees in the Directorate, are responsible for their work to the Head of the internal units, Deputy Director and Director.
The responsibilities, authorities and obligations
The scope of the Directorate is determined in Art. 16-18. Act on navigation and inland waters ("RS Official Gazette", no. 73/10), within which performs professional work and public administration tasks related to international and interstate waterways.
Professional activities performed by the Directorate are related to:
- 1) Technical maintenance and development of international and interstate waterways and navigation safety objects on them;
- 2) Monitoring, analysis and information on the state of navigability of international and interstate waterways;
- 3) Preparation of technical documentation in the field of international and interstate waterways;
- 4) The establishment, maintenance and development of River Information Services (RIS);
- 5) Maintenance and marking of winter port open for wintering of foreign and domestic ships and anchorages in international and interstate waterways;
- 6) Brings security plan;
- 7) Other duties specified by law.
Within its competence Directorate performs the following administrative tasks:
- 1) Provides conditions and approvals prior to the commencement of technical documentation for issuing permits for construction, reconstruction, upgrade, renovation and repair of locks, navigable canals and other hydro technical structures, to installation of the cables and pipelines, as well as for the construction of other objects affecting the security of navigation in international and interstate waterways, it is necessary, next to approvals and opinions of competent government authorities recommended by the regulations which regulate planning and construction, and regulation which regulate water, obtain nautical conditions issued by the port authority and the requirements related to the waterway, issued by Directorate. Once the conditions are issued, the approval which specifies that the technical documentation is prepared in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the Directive, is issued as well. Directorate is responsible for giving opinions prior to authorization issued by the Minister for the opening of ferry crossings regarding transport connection with neighboring coasts;
- 2) Gives consent on setting vessels on international and interstate waterways;
- 3) Keep records of issued acts related to the conditions, approvals and opinions.
Conditions, opinions and approvals issuing shall be made in the administrative procedure.
The second instance body for acts which in the first instance brings Directorate is Ministry of Infrastructure.
Supervision of the Directorate work performs Ministry of Infrastructure.
In addition to the above mentioned activities Directorate can perform the following tasks: professional activities related to the preparation of project documentation, marking obstructions and objects on the waterway, execution of hydro technical recording and hydraulic works on waterways for commercial needs.
Users pay a fee for these activities which for their needs performs Directorate, while the amount of compensation is determined by Directorate’s acts, approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure.
In the fields within the established scope, the Directorate performs public administration activities in accordance with Art. 12-21. Law on Public Administration ("RS Official Gazette ", No. 79/05 and 101/07).