Narrative overview of the organizational structure
The internal organization of the Directorate is aligned to the scope prescribed by art. 17 and 18 of the Act on navigation and inland waters ("RS Official Gazette "73/10, 121/12) and the Regulation on principles for internal organization and jobs systematization in Ministries, special organizations and Government services ("RS Official Gazette", No. 81/07 - revised text).
Regulations on internal organization and systematization of job positionsFor performing tasks within the scope of the Directorate, with the Regulation on internal organization and job classification in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure No. 110 / 00-22 / 2014-8 of 09 July 2014, on which the Government gave its consent Conclusion 05 number: 110-7661 / 2014-1 on 12 July 2014, (hereinafter: the Regulations), was formed basic internal unit DIVISION FOR TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE waterways.
Deputy Director of Section for technical maintenance of the waterways – Borko Drašković, BSc Geology, phone: +381 11 30 29 801 Department of technical maintenance of the waterways performs professional activities related to: technical maintenance and development of the waterways on which International and interstate navigation regime; hydrographic measurements activities, hydro technical works, marking the waterways, as well as installation, maintenance and provision of proper functioning of navigation safety facilities; monitoring, analysis and information on the state of navigability of the waterways; maintenance and marking of winter port opened for wintering of foreign and domestic ships and anchorages on the waterways; implementation and monitoring of projects financed from EU funds, as well as other activities within the competence of the Directorate.
Jobs in this Section, according to the Regulations shall be carried out within 42 workplaces with 69 employees.
In the Department for technical maintenance of the waterways, internal units are formed:
1. Department for Hydro technical works;
2. Department for Inland Waterways marking;
3. Section for Hydrographic survey;
4. Section for vessels maintenance.
Department for Hydro technical works performs activities related to: maintaining navigability in accordance with the prescribed categories of the waterway; maintaining the dimensions of the waterways in accordance with the prescribed categories, international standards and recommendations, and maintenance of facilities of navigation safety - hydraulic engineering and winter port, including: execution of hydro technical works on waterways where the prescribed international or interstate navigation regime; planning and maintenance of waterways for the purpose navigation - the regulation of river; the removal of sediment from the fairway and from the entrance to the international winter harbors; performance of transport, loading and placing building materials; preparation of analyzes and report about performed works; preparation of plans of the Department; performance of other tasks within the scope of the Department.
Jobs in this Department, according to the Regulations, shall take place within 15 working places with 22 executors, and currently these tasks are performed by 4 civil servants and 18 executives.
Contact person is
Zoran Panić, Senior Advisor, Head of Department, telephone: +381 11 30 29 860.
In the Department for hydro technical works, internal units are formed:
1. Sediment Removal Group
2. Regulation of construction
Group for Sediment Removal performs dredging sediment from the fairway and the entrance to the international winter harbors; perform maintenance of dimensions of waterways in accordance with specified categories, international standards and recommendations; prepares plans and reports on the works; performs other tasks within the scope of the Group.
Jobs in this Group, according to the Regulations shall be carried out within 7 working places with 12 executors, and currently activities are performed by one civil servant and 11 employees.
Contact person is
Zoran Matić, Officer, Head of Group, phone: +381 11 30 29 858.
Group for construction of hydraulic structures performs construction activities and repair of regulation structures on the waterway; performs transport activities, transfer and incorporation of construction materials; prepares plans of work and reports on the works; performs other tasks within the scope of the Group.
Jobs in this Group, according to the Regulations, are performed within 6 workplaces with 8 officers, and currently activities are performed by one civil servant and 7 employees.
Contact person
Randjelović Dejan, Officer, Head of Group, phone: +381 11 30 29 858.
Department for Inland Waterways marking performs tasks related to: marking of waterways, setting up, maintaining and ensuring the proper functioning of navigation safety objects on them in the function of marking; manufacture, installation and maintenance of signs for regulating of navigation on waterways; permanent control of the physical condition of the waterway, signs for regulating of navigation and security facilities on it; permanent and temporary marking of natural and artificial obstacles on the fairway; preparation of plans of marking and updating and publishing; analysis and system cost of marking preparation; taking care of the technical condition and regular maintenance of boats, appliances, equipment and other resources that were given to the Department for use; cooperation with international organizations in the field of navigation; monitoring the development and innovation in the field of marking waterways and signs regulating the navigation; modernization and application of new technologies in marking of the waterways; implementation and monitoring of projects financed from EU funds; performance of other tasks within the scope of the Department.
Jobs in this Department, according to the Regulations shall be carried out within 13 jobs with 29 executors, and tasks are currently performed by 5 civil servants and 19 employees.
Contact person is Head of Department
Vladimir Seničić, Senior Advisor, phone: +381 11 30 29 825.
In the Department for Inland Waterways marking, internal units are formed:
1. Group for the signaling and radio equipment
2. Group for the expert operational works for waterway marking
Group for the signaling and radio equipment performs tasks related to: records of proper, destroyed and damaged resources of marking, monitoring their stocks, preparation of terms of references and specifications for the procurement, construction and maintenance of the resources for the waterways marking; procurement and maintenance of electronic and radio equipment and preparation of technical documentation; ensuring the technical correctness and usability of resources for the waterways marking and electronic and radio equipment on vessels of the Directorate and the RIS system and providing expert guidance on the handling and control of their implementation; cooperation with other relevant bodies and organizations on issues of radio communications and electronic and radio equipment and the provision of necessary work permits; preparation of plans and specifications for repair and procurement of electronic and radio equipment, parts and signs for regulation of navigation equipment; perform other tasks within the scope of the Group.
Jobs in this group, according to the Regulations, are performed within 3 jobs with 3 positions and currently tasks are performed by two government officials and one employee.
Contact person is
Zoran Marisavljević, Associate, Head of the Group, phone: +381 11 30 29 833.
Group for the expert operational works waterways marking performs tasks related to: monitoring the physical condition of the waterways and facilities security on them; integration of operational work individual supervision on activities of marking waterways; solving technical professional issues and providing concrete tasks to field units and control their execution; organization of the task implementation defined by the plan of marking; installation, maintenance and proper functioning of signs for regulating of navigation on the waterway; timely replenishment of the vessel with appropriate crew; supply of field units with recourses for marking, operating material and with fuel and lubricants, as well as their rational use; preparation and distribution of reports to the competent port authorities and other interested parties on status, number, and position of the marking signs, obstacles, perceived changes and works on the waterway; perform other tasks within the scope of the Group.
Jobs in this Group, according to the Regulations, are performed within 8 positions with 24 executors and currently tasks are performed by one civil servant and 18 employees.
Contact person is
Djuro Ćupurdija, Officer, Head of Group, phone: +381 11 30 29 827.
Section for Hydrographic survey performs tasks related to: hydrographic measurement of river channel and banks, data collection and processing, preparation of the basis for the analysis of the state of the waterway; measuring of regulation building and other hydraulic structures and obstacles on the waterway; development, use and control of the system for automatic processing of data obtained by hydrographic measurements - maintenance, updating and providing access to the database of hydrographic data; maintenance and update of the registry facilities of navigation safety on the waterway; establishment and maintenance of geometric basics; perform other tasks within the scope of the Group.
Jobs in this Division, according to the Regulations shall be carried out within 7 positions with 11 executors, and currently tasks are performed by 6 civil servants and 2 employees.
Contact person is a Head of Section Srdjan Djalović, Advisor, phone: +381 11 30 29 880.
Section for vessels maintenance performs tasks related to: providing technical correctness of vessels, installed equipment and devices on them; provision of navigational work permits and the use of vessels, in accordance with the purpose of vessels; management of technical documentation on all vessels, including installed equipment, and working devices; preparation and proposing plans of investment and regular repairs of vessels and ensuring their implementation in accordance with the with the adopted plans; preparation of technical specifications necessary repairs on vessels, devices and equipment; performing professional and technical supervision and control in the construction of new, or in performing repair works on vessels in shipyards; carrying out technical reception of construction work, as well as participation in the work of the committee for financial accounting of derivative works in the shipyards; monitoring and control of the operation of vessels during their exploitation; organization of current maintenance and performance of ordinary and extraordinary repairs of vessels and installed equipment in the workshops of the Department and in the field; preparation of technical documentation for the initiation of public procurement procedures related to the maintenance of vessels and the workshops of the Department; ensuring the preparation of vessels for control, regular, emergency and basic examinations in accordance with the prescribed professional-technical rules by the authorities responsible for establishing the ability of ships for navigation and port authorities in order to provide navigational work permit; preparation of technical documentation in the case of work accidents on vessels in order to eliminate the consequences and payment of damages in respect of insurance; performance of other tasks within the scope of the Department.
Jobs in this Section, according to the Regulations, are performed within 6 workplaces with 6 executors, and currently tasks are performed by 3 government officials and 3 employees.
Contact person is a Head of Sector
Aleksandra Kafedzić, Advisor, phone: +381 11 30 29 831.
Internal units outside the devision1. Department for providing information on the state of the waterways, planning and implementation of international projects
2. Department for Legal, Personnel and General Services
3. Financial Section
4. Group for the Public Procurement
Department for providing information on the state of the waterways, planning and implementation of international projects performs tasks related to: collection, storage, analysis and publication of information on the state of the waterways within the jurisdiction of the Directorate; hydraulic, hydrologic and morphological analysis of the condition of the riverbed; definition and analysis of characteristic navigation levels and critical sectors in terms of navigation safety; research and preparation of project documentation in the field of navigation safety and regulation of river flows; execution of technical control of project documentation; development and management of river information services (RIS) and other information systems related to waterways; Preparation of programs, plans and reports on work within the jurisdiction of the Directorate; preparation of TORs for hydrographic measurements; participation in international river commissions, organizations and experts bodies; preparation and implementation of projects financed from EU funds and other sources. Within the Department, shall be carried out the administrative tasks of issuing conditions, approvals and opinions in the field defined by the Law on navigation and ports on inland waters and the Water Act, as well as other tasks defined by law; performance of other tasks within the scope of the Department.
Jobs in this Department, according to the Regulations shall be carried out within 11 workplaces with 11 executors and current tasks are performed by 7 civil servants and 1 employee.
Contact person is
PhD Jasna Muškatirović, Senior Advisor, Head of Department, phone: +381 11 30 29 898.
In the Department for providing information on the state of the waterways, planning and implementation of international projects, internal units are formed:
1. Section for River Information Services (RIS)
2. Group for the issuance of project requirements, opinions and approvals
Section for River Information Services (RIS) performs tasks related to: the establishment and development of the River Information Services (RIS); technical maintenance and management of river information services and systems, maintenance and management of the RIS center, exploring the possibilities and implementing river information services in inland navigation, drafting, updating and publishing of electronic navigation charts; collection and electronic distribution of information involved in navigation; preparation of technical documentation and projects related to the implementation of solutions in the field of RIS; research the impact of RIS on inland navigation and functional connections with other modes of transport; preparation of studies and programs which are associated with implementation of RIS on inland waterways; introduction and training for potential users to the possibilities of application of RIS; monitoring and active participation in national and international activities of the Directorate in the European integration process, especially in the RIS area; participation in the planning and preparation, implementation and monitoring of projects financed from EU funds, participation in the coordination of the European integration process within the jurisdiction of the Directorate, the harmonization of the application of technical standards in the area of operations of the European standards, creation of a unique plans and reports on the work of the Directorate; performance of other tasks within the scope of the Section.
Jobs in this Section, according to the Regulations, are performed within 6 workplaces with 6 executors, and current tasks are performed by 2 civil servants and 1 employee.
Contact person is
Ivan Mitrović, MSc, Advisor, Head of Section, phone: +381 11 30 29 842
Group for the issuance of project requirements, opinions and approvals performs tasks related to: provision of conditions and approvals for the construction, reconstruction, upgrade, renovation and repair of locks, canals and other hydraulic structures; provides conditions and approvals to the pipes and cables laying and the construction of other facilities affecting the security the navigation in international and interstate waterways; provides conditions and approvals for exploitation of sediment of international and interstate waterways; gives opinions on the authorization for opening of ferry crossings on international and interstate waterways; provides conditions and opinions on the preparation of planning documents (spatial and urban plans), approves setting up of vessels on international and interstate waterways; keep records of issued water acts; cooperates with relevant water management organizations, safety of navigation body and the bodies of local government units; and perform other tasks within the scope of the Group
Jobs in this Group, according to the Regulations, are performed within 3 workplaces with 3 executors, and current tasks are performed by 3 civil servants.
Contact person is
Gordana Špegar, Advisor, phone: +381 11 30 29 871.
Department for Legal, Personnel and General Services performs tasks related to: monitoring and implementation of laws and other regulations; preparing proposals and drafting general acts including the proposal of the act on internal organization and systematization of workplaces; preparation and control of contracts and agreements concluded by the Directorate; participation in proceedings before courts and other bodies; data collection and preparation of submissions in the framework of cooperation with the Republic Attorney General; activities in the field of safety and health at work; monitoring and analysis of personnel competence of the Directorate, preparing and drafting a plan for special professional training of civil servants and employees and monitoring the implementation of these plans; keeping proper records of civil servants and employees; database management in the field of human resources management; statistical activities in the field of labor relations; activities related to the implementation of the process of accountability of public servants and employees; Participation in the assessment of civil servants; preparation of draft decisions and solutions within the scope of the Directorate; preparation of decisions and other acts in the field of labor and labor relations as well as matters related to labor disputes; activities relating on administrative procedure and administrative dispute; performing operational activities related to the legal status of civil servants and employees; the collection, processing, making available for use and storage of documentary material that is relevant for information, training and analytical and professional work; the establishment and maintenance of up to date documentation databases and managing personal, personnel and other records; administrative and technical tasks: reception, borrowing, distributing and archiving, dispatching mail; the use of passenger cars, organizing transport with company’s cars of employees in the Directorate, car maintenance, common tasks necessary for the functioning of the internal units of the Directorate; organizing activities for the preservation and maintenance of business building; and other functions from the scope of the Department.
Jobs in this Department, according to the Regulations, are performed within 10 workplaces with 11 executors, and current tasks are performed by 7 civil servants and 4 employee.
Contact person is
Slavica Timotijević, Senior Advisor, Head of Department, phone: +381 11 30 29 844.
In the Department for Legal, Personnel and General Services, internal units are formed:
1. Group for Legal, General and Personal Affairs
2. Group for Administrative and Evidentiary
Joint Affairs
Group for Legal, General and Personal Business performs tasks related to: preparation and control of contracts and agreements concluded by the Directorate; participation in proceedings before courts and other bodies; data collection and preparation of submissions in the framework of cooperation with the Republic Attorney General; tasks related to the implementation of the process of accountability of public servants and employees; participation in the assessment of civil servants; preparation of draft decisions and solutions within the scope of the Directorate; preparation decisions and other acts in the field of labor and labor relations as well as matters related to labor disputes; keeping registers and storing personal files; Cooperation in the development of integrity plan and monitor the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the fight against corruption; keeping proper records of civil servants and employees; database management in the field of human resources management; statistical activities in the field of labor relations; and other activities within the scope of the Group.
Jobs in this Group, according to the Regulations, are performed within 3 workplaces with 3 executors, and current tasks are performed by 2 civil servants and 1 employee.
Contact person is
Svetlana Marković, Advisor, Head of Group, phone: +381 11 30 29 846.
Group for Administrative Business performs tasks related to: performing operational activities related to the legal status of civil servants and employees; the collection, processing, making available for use and storage of documentary material that is relevant for information, training and analytical and professional work; the establishment and maintenance of up to date documentation databases and managing personal, personnel and other records; administrative and technical tasks: reception, borrowing, distributing and archiving, dispatching mail; the use of passenger cars, organizing transport with company’s cars of employees in the Directorate, car maintenance, common tasks necessary for the functioning of the internal units of the Directorate; organizing activities for the preservation and maintenance of business building; and other functions from the scope of the Group.
Jobs in this Group, according to the Regulations, are performed within 4 workplaces with 5 executors, and current tasks are performed by 2 civil servants and 3 employee.
Contact person is
Miodrag Damjanović, Officer, Head of Group, phone: +381 11 30 29 850
Financial Section performs tasks related to: drafting of financial plans and budgets; planning of expenditure by quotas on a monthly and daily basis by all sources and economic classifications; drafting of internal general acts and Regulations of financial accounting operations; preparation of periodic and final accounts and review, presentation and cost analysis of period and comparative analysis operations; liquidation and control of all input documents of Directorate; billing output document for all indoor units of Waterway Sector; preparation of requests for payment and their implementation; data entry and processing for payment of salaries and all forms of legally prescribed benefits to employees; foreign currency cash, foreign payments over the NBS, as well as directing on inflow of foreign currency accounts with the NBS; property and personal insurance and filing a claim for the liquidation of damages caused; keeps accounts, balancing, reconciliation and harmonization of accountant book value; general ledger and analytical records and other business records within the financial accounting and compliance with Treasury's general ledger; material bookkeeping; management and administration of property; preparation the tax balance and other legally required reports; organizational preparation and implementation of the list of assets of the Directorate; storage, inventory, receiving and issuing of purchased materials, equipment and of spare parts; opening and closing work orders and accounting situation; performance of other tasks within the scope of the Directorate.
Jobs in this Section, according to the Regulations, are performed within 6 workplaces with 6 executors, and current tasks are performed by 6 civil servants.
Contact person is
Milica Subotić, Senior Adviser, Head of Division, phone: +381 11 30 29 822.
Group for the Public Procurement performs tasks related to: implementation of public procurement procedures; preparation of internal documents which shall specify the procedure; procurement planning; testing and market research; implementation and control of public procurement, monitoring of the execution of a public procurement-fulfillment of contractual obligations with the financial and material aspects and monitoring of terms of the contract; preparation of quarterly and annual reports on the execution of the procurement plan for the previous year; monitoring the implementation of the plan and submission of amendments to the competent authorities; the implementation of procurement procedures to which this Act does not apply; preparation of the essential elements for making contracts with the selected tenderers; giving opinions and explanations regarding participation in the procurement procedure; communication with suppliers; drafting the decision at the request of the protection of the rights tenderers; performing expert activities for the Commission for public procurement; recording purchases; analyzing procurement for placement into the appropriate type, group and process; preparation and control of execution of orders which were issued in the field of public procurement in the context of making procurement plans annually, activities of advertising of public procurement on the Public Procurement portal and Directorate web site presentation; performance of other tasks within the scope of the Group.
Jobs in this Group, according to the Regulations, are performed within 3 workplaces with 3 executors, and current tasks are performed by 3 civil servants.
Contact person is
Dubravka Stojanović, MSc, Advisor, Head of Group, phone: +381 11 30 29 840.