Beside new functionalities, from December 2016 the Navigation Bulletin is available in German and French language.
After completion of the period of functional testing, the Directorate for Inland Waterways has published new contents in electronic Navigational Bulletin, as the fairway information service, providing up-to-date dynamic information on waterways in the Republic of Serbia, where international and interstate navigation regimes are applicable (
Danube, Sava and Tisza).
New contents available in Navigational Bulletin are:
forecast of available depths on berths based on available information on water level forecast,
dynamic indication of available fairway depth on critical sectors depending on predefined boundary values,
dynamic indication of available vertical clearences at bridges depending on predefined boundary values, as well as information on
status and working plan of the lock on the Tisza River.

From earlier, the following information are available at the Navigationla Bulletin: water level and water level forecast, wind speed and direction, notices to skippers, system of waterway marking, available fairway depths on critical sectors for navigation, forecast of available depths on critical sectors for navigation, available vertical clearances at bridges, forecast of available vertical clearances at bridges, status and working plan of locks on the Danube River, availability of River Information Services, as well as contact information of relevant authorities in the Republic of Serbia.
Beside Serbian and English language, the Navigational Bulletin is now available in
German and French language as well.