The third edition of the Navigational Chart of the Tisza River available at the internet presentation of Plovput.
Navigational Chart of the Tisza River (km 164.0 – km 0.00) contains up-to-date information on the position of the fairway, waterway marking system, critical sectors for navigation, distance marks at 200m on fairway axes, cross-sections at 200m, berths, infrastructure objects on the waterway (bridges, river training structures), main settlements along the Tisza River, gauging stations and characteristic navigation levels at the time of publication, as well as contact information of authorities in the Republic of Serbia relevant for navigation on inland waterways.

The most important changes in the Third edition of the Chart are updated information on reference navigational levels in profiles of gauging stations and bridges, updated layouts of bridges, as well as encoded data on berth for general purposes Kanjiza and berth for special purposes Kanjiza.
Navigational Chart adjusted for printing in A4, can be downloaded from
paper navigational charts page, in PDF, free of charge.