Implementation of the project began on April 2009. The goal of project WANDA was establishing a sustainable, environmentally sound and internationally coordinated approach in ship waste management, in order to preserve water resources and complex ecosystems along the Danube River.
Activities and Benefits
Activities and benefits are numerous, such as Pilot activities on practical solutions for collecting ship waste in the region of the Upper Danube (AT, SK, and HU) and the Lower Danube. Also, a financial model for ship waste management on the Upper Danube was elaborated and procedures for billing these services were established. In addition to this, ship waste management activities were internationally coordinated with all partners taking part in it.
Consortium that has implemented the project consisted of 9 partners from 7 countries (AT, SK, HU (2), CRO, SR, RO (2), and BG).The quality of project activities improvement was achieved through involvement of observers on the project (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), German Water and Shipping Directorate South (WSD-Sud), Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR), the Danube Commission (DC), International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC) and others)
Lead Partner:
Leading partner was VIA DONAU – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH;
via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH;
Contact person:
Harald Beutl, Project Coordinator
Tel: + 43 50 4321-1629;
Fax: + 43 50 4321-2050
e-mail: wanda

Project Partners
Project Budget
The total project budget amounts to 1.906.660 EUR, and is financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The project was completed in March 2012.
More than 80 representatives of Stakeholders took part in the final presentation of the project NEWADA, held on 29 March 2012 in Belgrade. The organizer of the event was the Directorate for Inland Waterways (Plovput).
Plovput’s role in the project
The Directorate for Inland Waterways Plovput had a 10% partner status in project WANDA. This means that biggest part of the project was financed by the project partner, in this case the Austrian company “via donau”. Plovput’s total budget for this purpose was 15.000 EUR, which was a considerable reduction compared to the initial project proposal. Because of this, Plovput’s engagement will be reduced as per agreement with the main partner.
For detailed information on Plovput’s participation in project WANDA please contact our coordinator:
M.Sc Ivan Mitrović
Directorate for Inland Waterways Plovput
Tel: +381 11 3029 842
Fax: +381 11 3029 808
Official website: